Download the Audio app

  • Purchase the full bundle for the introductory offer of £4.99.
  • Take a themed tour to explore the collection. Each tour takes about 30–60 minutes.
  • Discover more than 65 galleries with free curators’ introductions.
  • Download and access content offline so you can enjoy it wherever you are, whenever you want.
  • Save your favorite objects and learn more about them at home.

Available on

App StoreGoogle Play Store


大英博物馆官方导览已全面上架中国区应用商店。 大英博物馆官方导览已全面上架中国大陆及香港地区应用商店



Chinese App Store

Chinese Apple and Android app stores

The British Museum Audio app is available to download in the Chinese Apple and Android app stores. Search "大英博物馆官方导览" to find the official app.

Chinese App Store
Google Pixel and Apple iPhone 13